The B.Lo's Blog

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Winter 2006 Grades & This Quarter's Internship

I passed all of my classes from last quarter! Thank the Lord! I was really nervous about checking my grades yesterday after I had found out from my classmates grades were available. As many of you know, last quarter I was really worried about not passing my extremely hard Pentateuch class. Just passing that class depended upon doing decently on the final and it looks like I did so. Praise the Lord! And thank you to all of you who encouraged and prayed for me when I was stressing out last quarter. I know your prayers helped me get through that time.

This quarter I'm only taking one class and doing my internship. My internship is going okay so far. We've been in orientation these past two weeks and have not yet ventured out to do visitations. I am excited and apprehensive at the same time because of all we've learned so far. I realize I'm going to be facing a lot of suffering and pain in my time at the hospital and I don't know how I'm going to deal with it all. It's my prayer that I will be a person who administers comfort and peace to those who will be suffering and have little hope.


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