The B.Lo's Blog

Friday, December 16, 2005

I Just Can't Get Enough

As if I couldn't get enough of school this past quarter, I decided to take a week long intensive course the first week of Winter break since I wasn't able to get my old job back (for the few weeks of break). I figured since I wasn't heading home I might as well make the best use of my time by doing more school. The class was "Current Trends in Islam" and it was good. I think the best way to describe it was watching CNN for 35 hours, in one week, examining the history of Islam over the last few decades. The professor was really great because he used to serve as a pastor in the Middle East for a long time and had many great stories from living and working there. I feel like I learned more from his stories then the things he taught in his lectures. For my assignments, I have until the end of this Winter quarter to write some short papers and either do a research project or conduct a survey of a Muslim-Christian convert. So if any of you who happen to know of a Muslim person who has converted to Christianity and would be willing to take a survey from me, please let me know! I would love to talk to them.


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